Policies & Procedures

Refunds from Credit Balances and Withdrawals

Credit balances due to overpayment will be automatically refunded to the student.

Tips on ensuring auto-refund success:

  • Set up direct deposit to allow your refund to be deposited to your U.S. checking or savings account.
  • Ensure your permanent address is up to date.

Credit Card Payments: In the event a credit card was used to pay any student charges, credit balances in the student’s account will first be applied to the credit card used, with any remaining balance paid to the student.

General Information

Tuition credits are granted based on the date of the official withdrawal processed by the Office of the University Registrar. Non-attendance does not constitute official withdrawal. Credit policies vary according to the duration of the course. Typical tuition adjustments are made according to the schedules shown below. The first week of class is the week containing the “classes begin” date listed in the academic calendar.

Payment options and credit policies vary on some courses (4-week, 5-week, and 6-week intensives; workshops; and special sequence courses) and special programs. If you are unsure about a course you are taking, contact the Office of Student Accounts.

Information on the University’s Emergency Leave of Absence policy is located in the Undergraduate Catalog in the “Academic Policies and Procedures” section.

Diplomas will not be released until all financial obligations to the university have been met. All rates are subject to revision at the discretion of Northeastern University’s Board of Trustees.

For information regarding policies that effect eligibility for federal grants and loans upon your withdrawal or adjustment to course enrollment, please see withdrawal policy in the section above.

View refund information for California residents.

Undergraduate Day

Refunds for Course Withdrawals

Undergraduate Day students should refer to Course Overloads and Reduced Loads for information on adjustments for withdrawing from individual course(s).

Refunds for Official Complete Withdrawal from the University

Full Semesters
Weeks 1 through 3 – 100% refund (end of week 3 corresponds with the last day to withdraw without a “W” grade)
Week 4 – 60% refund
Week 5 – 40% refund
After Week 5 – no refund

Summer Half-Semesters
Weeks 1 through 2 – 100% refund (end of week 2 corresponds with the last day to withdraw without a “W” grade)
Week 3 – 50% refund
Week 4 – 25% refund
After Week 4- no refund

Graduate Schools

Full Semesters
Weeks 1 through 3 – 100% refund (end of week 3 corresponds with the last day to withdraw without a “W” grade)
Week 4 – 60% refund
Week 5 – 40% refund
After Week 5 – no refund

Summer Half-Semesters and Courses Offered In Part-of-Term format
Weeks 1 through 2 – 100% refund (end of week 2 corresponds with the last day to withdraw without a “W” grade)
Week 3 – 50% refund
Week 4 – 25% refund
After Week 4- no refund

College of Professional Studies/Lowell Institute School

12-Week, 8-Week, and 6-Week Sessions

CPS will permit students to withdraw from 12-week, 8-week, and 6-week courses within 14 days from the start of the term and receive a 100% refund. After the 14th day of the term, any student seeking to withdraw from a 12-week, 8-week, or 6-week course will be ineligible for a refund.

Should a student decide to withdraw from a course, they are expected to do so via their Student Hub. Students who experience difficulty adding, dropping, or withdrawing from a course should email the Office of the University Registrar at [email protected] promptly. If it is determined that there is an issue they need to contact the Service Desk at 617.373.4357 (HELP) or [email protected].

4-Week Sessions
CPS will permit students to withdraw from 4-week courses within 7 days from the start of the session and receive a 100% refund. After the 7th day of the session, any student seeking to withdraw from a 4-week course will be ineligible for a refund.

Courses Meeting for One Week or Less
With the exception of Education Summer Institutes and one-day courses, CPS will permit students to withdraw from courses meeting for one week or less through the first day of the course and receive a 100% refund. After the first day of the course, any student seeking to withdraw from an intensive course meeting for one week or less will be ineligible for a refund.

Important note: Non-attendance does not constitute dropping a course. A student must submit a formal drop request in order to be eligible for a refund.

Full-Day Course Formats
For full-day courses, payment must be made no later than the first day of the course. Course fees are fully refundable if Northeastern University receives written documentation of withdrawal (or rescheduling if applicable) on or before the 14th day prior to the start date of the course. Withdrawals made less than 14 days prior to the start date of the course are subject to a 25% late withdrawal fee. If a student fails to attend a full-day course without notifying Northeastern University, the entire tuition may be assessed. For Professional Development courses, a substitute may be sent in a student’s place in order to avoid the 25% late withdrawal fee.

School of Law

Refunds are granted only on the basis of a formal withdrawal from the JD program; non-attendance does not constitute withdrawal. Seat deposits are nonrefundable. The impact of withdrawing from the JD program on other types of billing and financial aid depends upon the timing of a student’s formal withdrawal. Tuition refunds are granted in accordance with the following schedule:

Tuition Refunds 2021–2022 Academic Year* and Thereafter (First-Year Students)

Week 1 – 80% refund of tuition
Week 2 – 60% refund of tuition
Week 3 – 40% refund of tuition
Week 4 – 20% refund of tuition
After Week 4 – no refund of tuition

Tuition Refunds 2021–2022 Academic Year* and Thereafter (Upper-Level Students)

Week 1 through 3 – 100% refund of tuition
Week 4 – 60% refund of tuition
Week 5 – 40% refund of tuition
After Week 5 – no refund of tuition

Financial aid will be adjusted for any withdrawal based upon the withdrawal date and the type of financial aid. Visit the School of Law website for additional information.

*Note: Northeastern University School of Law academic years begin with the summer term.

Residence rate adjustments are made by Housing & Residential Life. For specific rate adjustments, refer to the Residence Hall and Dining License Agreement on their website.