In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Student Financial Services will be open from 10 AM to 3 PM on Monday, January 20.

Tuition and Fees

Fee Descriptions

All fees listed below are mandatory except for the Northeastern University Student Health Plan (NUSHP) fee. Students may waive the NUSHP fee through their Student Hub if they have comparable health plan coverage (please see below for details).

Campus Recreation Fee

This fee is assessed during terms a student is in classes to support and maintain current facilities and the future construction of athletic fields and facilities. In addition, students have the option to gain admission to home athletic events, use the Marino Fitness Center, the SquashBusters athletic facility, and the Cabot Gym (fitness and pool).

International Student Fee

International students are assessed this fee their first term, or upon admission to the university. If a student completes their program and enters a new educational level the student would be assessed the fee the first term of their new educational level.

Northeastern University Health Plan

Massachusetts law requires every eligible student enrolled in an institution of higher learning to participate in a Student Health Plan or in a health benefit plan with comparable coverage every academic year.  Students can waive this fee if they have comparable coverage by completing the Health Plan Waiver prior to the communicated deadline.

More information can be found on the NUSHP website, including:

· Effective dates and costs and detailed plan benefits

· Information about the waiver process

· An explanation of who is eligible for NUSHP

Residential Student Fee

All students living in the residence hall system pay a fee for activities sponsored by the Residence Student Association.

Student Activity Fee

This student endorsed fee provides support for student organizations, clubs and entertainment events throughout the school year. It is assessed annually for undergraduate students and per term for other student populations.

Student Center Fee

Students pay a student center fee per in-school term to support the Curry Student Center.

Undergraduate Student Fee

The Undergraduate Student Fee supports enrollment related services throughout the student’s first year, including new student orientation and welcome week activities. Beyond the first year, the fee supports subsequent enrollment services and support in addition to costs related to ongoing communication to students and parents. It is assessed per in-class or study abroad term for undergraduate students.

Oakland Student Activities (ASMC) Fee 

The Associated Students of Mills College (ASMC) collects this fee to support student activities. This fee cannot be waived or appealed.

Oakland AC Transit Fee

The ASMC voted to participate in the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit EasyPass program, which allows all undergraduate students an unlimited bus pass. Students are charged this fee in exchange for the bus pass. The listed fee is an estimate pending the final rate being issued from AC Transit.  The Oakland AC Transit Fee cannot be waived or appealed.

Oakland Campus Comprehensive Fee 

The Campus Comprehensive Fee supports basic medical services at the Mills Student Health Center, the technology infrastructure, and some public safety services such as the Mills shuttle. Each Mills student is allowed use of the Mills shuttle. The Campus Comprehensive Fee cannot be waived or petitioned.

Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF)

What is the STUDENT TUITION RECOVERY FUND (STRF) Fee? The State of California created the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) to relieve or mitigate economic losses suffered by students in educational programs who are California residents or are enrolled in a residency program attending certain schools regulated by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education. Amount of STRF Assessment: Each qualifying institution shall collect an assessment of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per one thousand dollars ($1,000). This fee may change depending on the BPPE fund balance. Note: This fee is mandatory and cannot be waived.