Billing & Payments

Frequently Asked Questions

Billing Information

When the statement is posted to your Student Hub, you will receive an email to your Northeastern email account which will instruct you to view your statement online. Once viewed, the email prompts will stop. If you do not view your statement, however, you will receive a total of two billing statement reminders during each billing cycle.

Please note that the billing statement is a static PDF document that will not be updated until the next billing cycle. To view real time activity on your account, choose the “Account Summary” option.

Billing statements for the fall term are posted to the Student Hub during the following period. Please note that these timelines are estimates. 

Once the billing statement is posted, an email notification will be sent to the student via email, as well as to family members who have created a Family Portal. 

Student Type  Posted to myNortheastern  Estimated Due Date 
The Program  Mid-June  Mid-July 
New Freshmen and Transfers  First week in July  First week in August 
New Graduate Students  Third week in July  Late August 
Returning Undergraduate and Graduate Students  Third week in July  Late August 
College of Professional Studies (Bachelor’s Completion)  Mid-August  First week of classes 
College of Professional Studies (Graduate)  Mid-August  First week of classes 

Spring semester billing statements are generated toward the end of November. You will receive an email notification toward the end of that month directing you to view your statement on the Student Hub. 


After the numeric information, you’ll find that the bill also features the following information:

  • Billing Information: briefly describes when payment is due, avoiding late fees, previous balance due information, and where/how to make payment.
  • Billing Inquiries: information is provided on specific parts of the bill and the contact information for departments responsible for each part.
  • Federal Taxpayer Identification Number: should you need this information for scholarships, grants, 529 Plans or other payers.
  • Late Fees and Holds: explanation of policy and what might happen if a hold is placed on an account.
  • Payments: where and how to make a payment.

The billing statement includes:

  • Previous balance due, if applicable
  • Current charges, which could include tuition, room and board, health plan fee, and other applicable fees
  • Anticipated credit
  • Balance Due

The billing due date is reflected on the top right-hand corner of the e-bill.

Anticipated credit represents any award, excluding Federal Work-Study and outside scholarships, which has been granted, or is due to the university. This can include:

  • University grants and scholarships
  • Federal loans and grants
  • State loans and grants
  • Tuition payment plan

Please note that Federal Work-Study funds, certified private loan funds, and outside scholarships are not anticipated on your billing statement or student account.

Most deposits have already been applied to your tuition and will be shown under the credit portion of your bill. Anticipated deposits, for a future academic term or housing term, will be shown under Anticipated Deposits, at the bottom of the bill.

To view your current account activity:

  • Login to the Student Hub
  • Choose “Resources”
  • Click ‘Financial Services’
  • Select “Student Account, Payment, and E-bill Information”
  • Scroll down to the “Account Summary” section

Undergraduate Day tuition is charged on a flat, per-term basis which includes the cost of each student’s normal academic curriculum requirements for that term. If a student decides to enroll in an additional course after the initial e-bill, any changes in costs will be reflected on the next billing statement.

Please note that billing statements are generated approximately 30 days after the initial billing statement. To view your current account activity, at any time, please follow these steps:

  • Login to the Student Hub
  • Choose “Resources”
  • Click ‘Financial Services’
  • Select “Student Account, Payment, and E-bill Information”
  • Scroll down to the “Account Summary” section

Programs that charge tuition at a flat, per-term basis, which includes the cost of each student’s normal academic curriculum requirements for that term, including Undergraduate Day programs and select Graduate programs, will typically not result in a tuition adjustment if you drop a course.

For programs that charge tuition on a per credit basis, registration adjustments can be monitored in real time via the Northeastern Student Hub. To view your account in real time:

  • login to the Student Hub
  • Choose “Resources”
  • Click ‘Financial Services’
  • Select “Student Account, Payment, and E-bill Information”
  • Select “View Account Summary Detail by Term”

For additional information, visit the Policies page.

If you have any questions regarding your meal plan, please review the Husky Card Services website or contact Husky Card Services at [email protected].

Payment Information and Due Dates

If you have mailed a check payment to the university, please allow at least 10 to 15 business days for this payment to be processed and applied to the student’s account. You may monitor account updates in real-time via the Northeastern Student Hub.

  • login to the Student Hub
  • Choose “Resources”
  • Click ‘Financial Services’
  • Select “Student Account, Payment, and E-bill Information”
  • Select “View Account Summary Detail by Term”

Most 529 plans send checks directly to the university, based on an invoice supplied by the 529 holder. A copy of the e-bill is typically sufficient. There are a few plans that request that the university work with them as Third Party Payers. This means that we will have to invoice the 529 plan and will anticipate, on the student account directly, the amount to be sent to the university. These 529 plans include the Florida PrePaid Plan.

While students and families need to make every effort to pay by the billing due date, families experiencing financial challenges have until the first day of classes to arrange for payment in full or secure an approved financing option. If you have questions regarding your billing statement or available payment and financing options, please contact us.

In many cases, the earliest that an alternative/private loan lender will send their first loan payment is the start of the term. Provided your loan has been approved and certified, and the net amount due on your account by the initial due date is zero, a late fee will not be assessed. Should there be delays in your loan payment beyond the first week of the semester, please contact us. Additional information regarding late fees can be found here.

Northeastern University has implemented a new policy regarding late fees.
If the balance on a student’s account remains unpaid, 30 days after the initial bill due date the University will impose a late fee of $150 on the student’s account.
If the student’s account balance remains unpaid after the initial late fee is assessed, the University will impose an additional 1% late charge once a month, until the balance is paid.

If a student or payer wishes to dispute a late fee assessment, they may review and submit the Late Fee Removal Request form.


Please see the chart below for amounts.

Fee Type Amount
Late Fee $150
Late Charge 1% of the student’s account balance (charged once per month, until the balance is paid)
Returned Check Fee/Stop Payment $25


Payment Plans through Flywire

To enroll in a payment plan, follow these steps:

    1. Access the platform and login to your payment plan account
    2. Students login using their NU Credentials. 
    3. Authorized users (parents, family) should log in using their email address. 
    4. If a plan offer has been created for you, you will see the available plan options by selecting the “Enroll in Plan” button or navigating to the “Payment Plans” tab.
    5. “Select” the payment plan and proceed with enrollment.

The enrollment fee is $45.00 per payment plan, which is required at the time of enrollment and is non-refundable.

The login links differ between a student and an Authorized User (parent, family). If you are an Authorized user attempting to login through the student’s link, then you will receive an error message.



If an Authorized User wants to have access to their student’s payment plan account, the STUDENT will need to log in to their payment plan account.

Once the STUDENT has logged into their account, under the Quick Links on the Account Summary tab:

  1. Click on “Manage or Set Up Authorized User”
  2. Add an authorized user

The authorized user will receive a verification email at the email address that is designated. Once they verify their email, they will be taken to the Payment Plan page to create their password. Using their email address and password they can use direct login to gain access to your student account information and enroll in a plan.

Students or a student’s Authorized User can enroll in a Payment Plan. If the student enrolls, the student is the owner of the plan; if an Authorized User enrolls, that individual is the owner of the plan. This is important because only the owner of the plan can change the payment method.

Both the student and ALL of the student’s Authorized Users will receive Payment Plan notifications by email. However, either user is able to make a payment towards the payment plan even when they are not the payment plan owner. To pay towards a plan that you do not own, click on “Make a Payment”, and select the plan you wish to contribute towards. You can either “Pay Next Installment” or “Pay Another Amount”.


  • Payments toward the monthly payment plan can be made by e-check.
  • Monthly payment plans cannot be used for past due balances.
  • The “deadline to enroll” may vary from the billing due date posted on your billing statement. Students are encouraged to resolve any balance due by the due date on their bill.
  • Monthly Payment Plans are not currently available for Canadian Campus Students.

No, the FERPA authorization for parents/guardians to access a NEU student account does not apply to Flywire Payment Plan accounts. The student must complete a separate FERPA authorization for parents/guardians to access their Flywire Payment Plan account to enroll in their own plan.

Payment plans are made available by Northeastern. If your plan offer has expired or is not available in your account, you will need to confirm with Northeastern to see what options are available to you.


The only available domestic payment option is direct debit from a checking or savings account. There is no additional charge for using this method. You may change the bank account number at any time in your payment plan account by selecting “Manage AutoPay”.



If you are on a Domestic Payment Plan, Auto Debit is required to be on. If you are on an international payment plan, then Auto-Debit is not required nor is the option available when paying internationally.


Yes! Whether a student or Authorized User, you can now pay for a plan installment for any enrolled plan under the student’s account.

To pay towards a payment plan that you do not own, click on “Make a Payment”, and select the plan you wish to contribute towards and you can either “Pay Next Installment” or “Pay Another Amount”.

If you pay less than the next installment, then the remaining installment amount will be automatically withdrawn on the installment due date.

Yes! If you pay more than the installment amount, then the next installment amount will be paid in full and the rest of the amount will be evenly distributed among the remaining installments.

To have your payment voided, please submit a request form to Flywire. Requests to have payments voided need to be submitted prior to 5pm EST on the same day the payment was made.


No, you (the payment plan owner) will need to update your payment plan balance through your account. After logging into your payment plan account:

  1. Under “Payment Plans” tab, click “Edit Balance”
  2. Insert the new amount in “Balance For Plan”

The only domestic payment method offered by Northeastern is direct debit from a savings or checking account. You may change the account by selecting ‘Manage AutoPay’.


The payment will be rejected by your bank within 3-5 business days of when it was made and you will be charged a $30.00 non-sufficient fund fee by Flywire. Note, the NSF fee is non-refundable.

Students or parents can contact Northeastern directly.

Please contact Flywire directly by submitting a web form request.

529 College Savings Plans

529 plans, legally known as “qualified tuition plans,” are sponsored by states, state agencies, or educational institutions and are authorized by Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code.

The person who opens the 529 plan account is called the account holder or the saver. The person the account is opened for is called the beneficiary or the student. The account holder and the beneficiary can be the same person. The 529 account owner maintains ownership of the account until the money is withdrawn. There are no income restrictions on 529 plan accounts.

Northeastern University accepts funds from all 529 plans. Funds will be transferred directly to Northeastern, by electronic payment or by U.S. mail, depending on the methods offered by the individual 529 plan.

By present U.S. tax code regulations, plan funds must be used for qualified education expenses. Eligible expenses generally include tuition, fees, housing and food that are charged to a student in relation to attending Northeastern.

To find out more information about your state’s plan, the National Association of State Treasurers created the College Savings Plan Network, which provides links to many 529 plan websites.

Benefits to enrolling and utilizing a 529 plan include:

  • Earnings in a plan are tax-deferred and are not taxed upon withdrawal when used to pay for qualified education expenses.
  • Over 30 states and the District of Columbia currently offer a full or partial state tax deduction or a tax credit for 529 plan contributions.
  • Plans have high maximum aggregate, or lifetime, contribution limits and no annual contribution limits.
  • The account owner remains in control of the plan. With few exceptions, the beneficiary has no legal rights to the funds in a 529 account, an account owner controls the plan.
  • You can change your plan investment options twice per calendar year and roll your funds over into another plan once in a 12-month period.

To enroll in a 529 plan, you must be a US resident, age 18 or over, with a U.S. mailing and legal address, and a Social Security number or Tax ID. For further guidance, contact a 529 savings plan administrator.

Outside Scholarships

Outside scholarship checks should be sent directly to the university at the following address. Please be sure that the student’s name and NU ID are clearly printed on the check or the accompanying paperwork. 

Northeastern University
ATTN: General Scholarship, 354 Richards Hall
360 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115-5000 

If you are a financial aid applicant, you must also notify our office via the SFS service portal of your outside scholarship. Once you log in to the site using your Northeastern credentials, click on ‘Solutions for Students’ and then ‘Scholarship.’ From there you can submit the ‘Outside Scholarship Recipient Form’.  Please note that a review and possible recalculation of your financial aid award may be required. As part of this review, your outside scholarship will be added to your financial aid award. 

Some scholarship providers require additional documentation from the student or university. If your scholarship provider requires verification of enrollment, please contact the Office of the University Registrar. If they require an invoice, please send us the specific requirements  and we’ll send the invoice as requested. 

Northeastern University Student Health Plan

Schools in Massachusetts are required, by Commonwealth Law, to enroll all qualified students in a health insurance plan that meets or exceeds state minimum requirements. NUSHP is the university’s student health plan which is administered by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Massachusetts and exceeds the minimum required by the state at an affordable rate. 

Students may waive this plan if they can provide information that they are enrolled in a comparable domestic health plan. The waiver is completed by the student via the Northeastern University Student Hub and must be done by the deadline. The waiver is not available on the Family Portal. 


For questions regarding the NUSHP waiver process, or for additional information, please email [email protected] or visit the NUSHP website. 

Once you have been billed the health plan fee you will be able to submit a waiver request via the Student Hub. 

If your NUSHP waiver request is approved, the NUSHP charge will be automatically removed from your student account within approximately 2 to 4 business days. Students are encouraged to resolve any outstanding balance on their account by the due date. To determine the amount due, deduct the NUSHP charge from the outstanding balance.

Billing Information on the Family Portal

Parents and guardians of current Northeastern students may access information related their student’s Northeastern experience including billing statements, grades, and Husky Cards through their portal. Learn more about the Family Portal.

Parents or guardians who have been granted access to billing information in the Family Portal may view their student’s billing statement or make a payment toward their student’s account. To view billing and payment information via the Family Portal:

  • Choose “Services & Links”
  • Then “My Student’s Account, Payment and E-Bill Information” under the “Account, Billing and Financial” Category

The student must authorize parent or guardian access to the portal. View more information, including instructions on how to create a portal.