Billing & Payments

Financing The Program

Congratulations on your decision to enroll at Northeastern University’s Program. We are delighted that you will be joining our community and are here to help as you and your family plan how to pay for your education.

Please review the information below to learn more about financial support and financial planning during The Program.

Financial Aid Eligibility

During the fall semester of The Program, students who apply for financial aid are considered for need-based Northeastern funding only. All other aid opportunities, including federal and state grants, loans, and work-study funds can be used beginning with the spring semester for those who qualify.

Billing Statements and Cycle

Billing statements for the fall semester of The Program will be available in July. Once available, the billing statement will be posted to the Student Hub and an email notification will be sent to the student at their Northeastern email address.

Billing statements are generated per semester and reflect the student’s account at that point in time. Students may view their account live at any time through the Student Hub. Once logged in, select “Resources”, then “Student Account, Payment and E-Bill Information” under “Financial Services.” Select “View Account Summary Detail by Term.”

For additional information regarding billing statements and the billing cycle, please visit our dedicated Billing FAQ page. For additional information regarding estimated Program costs and program fee inclusions for the Fall 2023 semester, please visit the website.

Direct Payments to the University

Student payments can be made online through the Student Hub with an electronic check or international payment/wire via Flywire.

To make an e-check payment via the Student Hub:

  • Log into your Student Hub
  • Choose “Resources”
  • Navigate to the “Financial Services” section
  • Select “Make a Payment with NUPay”

To initiate an international payment through Flywire:

  • Log into your Student Hub
  • Choose “Resources”
  • Navigate to the “Financial Services” section
  • Select “Make an International Payment”

Learn more about available payment options.

Monthly Payment Plan

Northeastern University offers monthly payment plans, which are administered through Flywire.

The monthly payment plan allows you to divide your educational costs into smaller, more manageable, installments. In using this plan, it can reduce your need to borrow, thereby, reducing the overall cost of education and can be combined with your financial aid award or other financing options. Because the payment plan is not a loan, you do not have to pay interest, only an enrollment fee of $45 per term.

Additional information regarding payment plan options can be found in the Payment Plan FAQ’s.


To enroll in a payment plan, follow these steps:

  1. Students login using their NU Credentials. 
  2. Authorized users (parents, family) should log in using their email address. 
  3. If a plan offer has been created for you, you will see the available plan options by selecting the “Enroll in Plan” button or navigating to the “Payment Plans” tab
  4. “Select” the payment plan and proceed with enrollment.

For platform and payment plan questions, students and authorized users can contact Flywire by submitting a contact form, or calling (US: +1 857 287-3823 or International: +1 857 287 3818).

Authorized Users

If an Authorized User wants to sign up for a payment plan, the STUDENT will need to log into Flywire. Once the STUDENT has logged into Flywire under the Quick Links on the Account Summary tab:

  1. Click on “Manage or Set Up Authorized User”.
  2. Click Add Authorized User, enter the requested information, then click Create
  3. The authorized user will receive an email with instructions on how to log into the system to verify their authorized user account. The email must be entered correctly, or the authorized user will not receive important messages.
  4. Once authorized users have been added, the student has the ability to view the user’s activity and/or delete user access via the Manage Authorized Users action.

Payment Plan Ownership

Students or a student’s Authorized User can enroll in a Payment Plan. If the student enrolls, the student is the owner of the plan; if an Authorized User enrolls, that individual is the owner of the plan. This is important because only the owner of the plan can change the payment method.

Both the student and ALL of the student’s Authorized Users will receive Payment Plan notifications by email. However, either user is able to make a payment towards the payment plan even when they are not the payment plan owner. To pay towards a plan that you do not own, click on “Make a Payment”, and select the plan you wish to contribute towards. You can either “Pay Next Installment” or “Pay Another Amount”.


  • Payments toward the monthly payment plan can be made by e-check.
  • Monthly payment plans cannot be used for past due balances.
  • The “deadline to enroll” may vary from the billing due date posted on your billing statement. Students are encouraged to resolve any balance due by the due date on their bill.
  • Monthly Payment Plans are not currently available for Canadian Campus Students.

Below is the monthly payment plan option for the Fall 2023 semester. Please note, payment plan enrollment will be available on Thursday, June 15, 2023.

Term Monthly Installments Enrollment Start Date First Installment Due Deadline to Enroll
Fall 5 6/15/2024 7/15/2024 7/15/2024
Fall 4 7/16/2024 8/15/2024 8/15/2024

To enroll in the payment plan, or learn more, please visit Flywire or call 857.287.3823 (U.S. and Canada) or +1.857.287.3818 (outside North America). Please note that if an authorized user would like to enroll in a payment plan on behalf of the student, the student must log into Flywire and add an authorized user via the “Manage or Set Up Authorized User” link under the “Account Summary” tab.

Have additional questions?

If you have questions regarding your billing statement or available payment and financing options for The Program, please contact Student Accounts.

If you have questions about the financial aid application process or awarded financial assistance, please contact Financial Aid.

If you have questions about The Program, including The Program fee and inclusions, please contact The Program at [email protected] or +1.617.373.6447.