Billing & Payments

Payment Methods

Full payment of tuition, residence hall fees, and other related charges are due prior to the start of the term as specified on the original bill. A past due balance may result in prevention of registration or grade release. Payments will be accepted for billed charges only. The university is not able to process payments for more than the balance due on the student’s account.

Direct Payments to the University

E-check payments may be made via NUPay, available on the Northeastern University Student Hub. To make an e-check payment:

  • Log into the Northeastern University student Hub at 
  • Under My links, click on “Financial Services”
  • Next, click on “Make a Payment with NUPay”

Parents or guardians with access to billing information within the Family Portal may also make an e-check payment toward their student’s account. To make an e-check payment via the Family Portal:

  • Choose “Services & Links”
  • Then “My Student’s Account, Payment and E-Bill Information” under the “Accounts, Billing and Financial” Category

Payments made via e-check are a direct debit from your personal U.S. checking or savings account and are offered at no charge to you. When paying via e-check, please note that you will need the routing number and account number to process an e-check.

Please remember:

  • Your ATM/Debit card number is not your checking or savings account number
  • Do not attempt to use credit card cash advance checks, brokerage account checks or any other checks marked “Do Not Use for ACH”
  • Electronic checks are processed the same day they are received by the university
  • If the payment is returned because of an error or insufficient funds the university will pass any associated fees onto the student account

We are able to accept payment by check under the following conditions:

  • Check is written on a U.S. bank account
  • Checks must not be starter checks – they must include the bank account owner’s name and address
  • The student name and NU ID is listed in the memo section of the check
  • The check is made payable to Northeastern University or Northeastern Univ. We are unable to accept any other abbreviation
  • The check represents an amount due, or less. We are not able to accept over-payment.

Credit card payments are accepted for students in the College of Professional Studies and most graduate programs.

Please note that credit card payments are not accepted for tuition and fee related charges for students in the following programs:

  • Undergraduate Day
  • The Program
  • U.S. Pathway Program
  • American Classroom Program
  • Graduate Students in the Doctor of Pharmacy and Doctor of Physical Therapy Programs

Northeastern accepts VISA and Mastercard credit card payments via our payment partner CIBC. Please follow these instructions to make a payment:

  1. Log in to the Student Hub
  2. Click on “Resources” in the heading at the top of the page
  3. Click on “Financial Services” (fourth button from the left)
  4. Click on “Make a credit card or international payment with CIBC” (fifth option under Financial Services)

Please note that credit cards may be used for non e-bill related payments, for all students, such as the addition of funds to a Husky account, tuition and housing deposits, and MBTA semester pass program. 

You may send payments by mail or pay in person at Student Financial Services in 354 Richards Hall. Payments should be mailed at least 5 to 7 business days before the due date to allow for processing and to avoid late charges.

To send a check or money order through the mail, print the payment coupon on the e-bill and mail a check or money order, made payable to Northeastern University, to the following address:

Northeastern University
Student Financial Services
354 Richards Hall
360 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115

If you are mailing a payment without the payment coupon from the bill, or sending the check overnight mail, please use the following address:

Northeastern University
Student Financial Services
354 Richards Hall
360 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115

529 College Savings Plans

A 529 college savings plan is a tax-advantaged savings plan designed to encourage saving for future education costs.

Students and families using 529 plans to cover educational costs should reach out to their 529 provider to initiate the process of withdrawing funds.

Many providers require a copy of the billing statement to determine eligible expenses or specific line-item costs. Once a billing statement becomes available, please submit this documentation to your provider.

If you are seeking preliminary estimates of tuition, fees, and/or room and board costs, please visit our website. Should additional information be necessary beyond the billing statement, please contact us.

Additional information regarding 529 college savings plans can be found in the 529 College Savings Plan FAQ’s.

Students and families using 529 plans to cover educational costs should reach out to their 529 plan provider to initiate the process of withdrawing funds. Funds can be transferred directly to Northeastern, by electronic payment (participating plans only*) or by check.

* Many 529 plans now offer an electronic distribution option, which saves time and improves transparency with real-time payment tracking. When requesting a withdrawal from your 529 account, check with your plan provider to see if an electronic distribution option is available.

Payments made by check should be sent to the following address. Please ensure that the student’s full name and NU ID are included on the check.

Northeastern University
Student Financial Services
354 Richards Hall
360 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115

International Payments

Northeastern University has partnered with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) and Flywire to streamline the international wire payment process to the university. These services provide students and their families safe, cost effective, and convenient methods of making payments to Northeastern University in foreign currencies.

CIBC International Student Pay is a secure, cost-effective method for students to pay their fees from anywhere in the world, anytime. Gain access to live, competitive foreign exchange rates offered exclusively to Northeastern University students and held for 72 hours.


Benefits of Using CIBC International Student Pay

  • Conveniently make payments: pay in your local currency (120+ currencies supported) from anywhere in the world, anytime
  • Live, preferred foreign exchange rates: benefit from preferred Foreign Exchange rates offered exclusively to Northeastern University students and held for you for 72 hours
  • 24/7 payment tracking capability: track your payment anytime using CIBC’s portal
  • Continuous status updates: receive notifications until your payment is processed
  • Enhanced security: as a Tier 1 global Financial institution, CIBC ensures the highest level of cybersecurity to transfer funds safely and efficiently
  • 24/7 multilingual support: click here for CIBC’s contact information for any payment inquiries

To make a payment via CIBC:

  1. Log in to the Student Hub
  2. Click on “Resources” in the heading at the top of the page
  3. Click on “Financial Services” (fourth button from the left)
  4. Click on “Make a credit card or international payment with CIBC” (fifth option under Financial Services)

Additional Information


  • Pay from any country and any bank
  • Save money on bank fees
  • Obtain excellent foreign exchange rates with a best rate guarantee
  • Track your payment from start to finish and receive email or text alerts each step of the way
  • Receive peace of mind with 24/7 multilingual customer support through various channels
  • Flywire provides an authorization letter on Northeastern’s behalf that may be needed for sending funds from certain countries

If you are interested in sending your payment to Northeastern University via wire transfer, please use Flywire to ensure your funds are received successfully. Please note, the university cannot accept payments that are greater than the amount due on the student’s account.

To initiate your payment online via the Northeastern University Student Hub:

  1. Log in to the Student Hub.
  2. Click on “Resources” in the heading at the top of the page.
  3. Click on “Financial Services” (fourth button from the left).
  4. Click on “Make an International Payment via Flywire” (seventh option under Financial Services).

Payment Plans

Northeastern University offers monthly payment plans, which are administered through Flywire.

The monthly payment plan allows you to divide your educational costs into smaller, more manageable, installments. In using this plan, it can reduce your need to borrow, thereby, reducing the overall cost of education and can be combined with your financial aid award or other financing options.

Because the payment plan is not a loan, you do not have to pay interest, only an enrollment fee of $45 per term.

Additional information regarding payment plan options can be found in the Payment Plan FAQ’s.

Please note the following:

  • Payments toward the monthly payment plan can be made by e-check.
  • Monthly payment plans cannot be used for past due balances.
  • The “deadline to enroll” may vary from the billing due date posted on your billing statement. Students are encouraged to resolve any balance due by the due date on their bill.
  • Monthly Payment Plans are not currently available for Canadian Campus Students.
  1. Students login using their NU Credentials. 
  2. Authorized users (parents, family) should log in using their email address. 
  3. If a plan offer has been created for you, you will see the available plan options by selecting the “Enroll in Plan” button or navigating to the “Payment Plans” tab
  4. “Select” the payment plan and proceed with enrollment.

For platform and payment plan questions, students and authorized users can contact Flywire by submitting a contact form, or calling (US: +1 857 287-3823 or International: +1 857 287 3818).

If an Authorized User wants to sign up for a payment plan, the STUDENT will need to log into Flywire. Once the STUDENT has logged into Flywire under the Quick Links on the Account Summary tab:

  1. Click on “Manage or Set Up Authorized User”.
  2. Click Add Authorized User, enter the requested information, then click Create
  3. The authorized user will receive an email with instructions on how to log into the system to verify their authorized user account. The email must be entered correctly, or the authorized user will not receive important messages.
  4. Once authorized users have been added, the student has the ability to view the user’s activity and/or delete user access via the Manage Authorized Users action.

Students or a student’s Authorized User can enroll in a Payment Plan. If the student enrolls, the student is the owner of the plan; if an Authorized User enrolls, that individual is the owner of the plan.

This is important because only the owner of the plan can change the payment method.

Both the student and ALL of the student’s Authorized Users will receive Payment Plan notifications by email. However, either user can make a payment towards the payment plan even when they are not the payment plan owner.

To pay towards a plan that you do not own, click on “Make a Payment”, and select the plan you wish to contribute towards. You can either “Pay Next Installment” or “Pay Another Amount”.

The N.U. in Program

Term Monthly Installments Enrollment Start Date First Installment Due Deadline to Enroll
Fall 5 6/15/2024 7/15/2024 7/15/2024
Fall 4 7/16/2024 8/15/2024 8/15/2024

The Global Scholars Program

Term Monthly Installments Enrollment Start Date First Installment Due Deadline to Enroll
Fall 5 6/15/2024 7/15/2024 7/15/2024
Fall 4 7/16/2024 8/15/2024 8/15/2024
Spring 4 11/15/2024 12/15/2024 12/15/2024
Spring 3 11/15/2024 1/15/2025 1/15/2025

Undergraduate Day and Graduate Day Programs

Term Monthly Installments Enrollment Start Date First Installment Due Deadline to Enroll
Fall 5 7/5/2024 8/15/2024 8/15/2024
Fall 4 8/16/2024 9/15/2024 9/15/2024
Spring 4 11/21/2024 1/15/2025 1/15/2025
Spring 3 11/21/2024 2/15/2025 2/15/2025

College of Professional Studies (Bachelor’s Completion Programs)

Term Monthly Installments Enrollment Start Date First Installment Due Deadline to Enroll
Fall 5 8/1/2024 8/15/2024 8/15/2024
Fall 4 8/16/2024 9/15/2024 9/15/2024
Spring 4 11/29/2024 1/15/2025 1/15/2025
Spring 3 11/29/2024 2/15/2025 2/15/2025

College of Professional Studies (Graduate Programs)

Term Monthly Installments Enrollment Start Date First Installment Due Deadline to Enroll
Winter 3 11/16/2024 12/15/2024 12/15/2024
Winter 2 1/5/2025 1/15/2025 1/15/2025
Spring 3 2/28/2025 3/15/2025 3/15/2025
Spring 2 2/28/2025 4/15/2025 4/15/2025

School of Law

Term Monthly Installments Enrollment Start Date First Installment Due Deadline to Enroll
Fall 4 8/1/2024 9/1/2024 9/1/2024
Fall 3 9/1/2024 10/1/2024 10/1/2024
Spring 4 11/27/2024 1/1/2025 1/1/2025
Spring 3 1/2/2025 2/1/2025 2/1/2025

Other Methods of Payment


Outside scholarship checks should be sent directly to the university at the following address. Please be sure that the student’s name and NU ID are clearly printed on the check or the accompanying paperwork.

Northeastern University
ATTN: General Scholarship, 354 Richards Hall
360 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115-5000

If you are a financial aid applicant, you must also notify our office via the SFS service portal of your outside scholarship. Once you log in to the site using your Northeastern credentials, click on ‘Solutions for Students’ and then ‘Scholarship.’ From there you can submit the ‘Outside Scholarship Recipient Form’. Please note that a review and possible recalculation of your financial aid award may be required. As part of this review, your outside scholarship will be added to your financial aid award.

Some scholarship providers require additional documentation from the student or university. If your scholarship provider requires verification of enrollment, please contact the Office of the University Registrar. If they require an invoice, please send us the specific requirements and we’ll send the invoice as requested.

In those situations where the tuition is paid directly to the university by a third party, the student must provide the Office of Student Accounts with a purchase order or a written statement of intent to pay by the third party no later than the end of the first week of classes. If there are stipulations associated with the payment agreement, such as a minimum grade level, then the student must either pay the university directly or enroll in one of the payment options.

Documentation can be provided via:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Fax: 617.373.8735
  • In-person: Student Financial Services, 354 Richards Hall
  • Mail: Student Financial Services, Northeastern University, ATTN: Third Party Billing, 354 Richards Hall, 360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115

Many companies, embassies and agencies directly reimburse students for their educational expenses upon successful completion of courses. In these situations, the student is responsible for paying the bill at the beginning of the term or selecting another payment option. Tuition may not be left unpaid pending reimbursement by a third party.

Given the substantial financial commitment that students and their families must make to pay for a Northeastern education, we have become increasingly concerned about finding ways to help families protect this investment. Of particular concern are those students who, through illness or accident, may be required to leave school during a semester, with the subsequent loss of time invested in studies, and also the loss of funds already invested in that semester’s cost. Northeastern is pleased to offer an insurance program, the Tuition Refund Plan (TRP) through A.W.G. Dewar, Inc., as a way of protecting that investment.

The plan coverages are designed to extend the University’s published refund policy. You may receive credit for up to a 70% refund of covered charges (subject to policy terms and conditions), even after the University’s refund policy has expired. The chart below is a sample illustration of how the Tuition Refund Plan complements the Undergraduate refund schedule for tuition charges.

Withdrawal During: Northeastern Refunds TRP Refunds Student Credited
First Week 100% 0% 100%
Second Week 100% 0% 100%
Third Week 100% 0% 100%
Fourth Week 60% 10% 70%
Fifth Week 40% 30% 70%
Balance of term 0% 70% 70%

Note: You may elect to purchase insurance for tuition, tuition and room, tuition and board, or tuition, room and board. Traditional meal plan charges are prorated for meals not used past the week in which the University is notified that the student has withdrawn. Please see Northeastern’s room refund policies in your license agreement.

Participation in the Tuition Refund Plan is entirely optional, and the University’s refund schedule is applicable whether or not you enroll in the TRP. Should you decide to participate online, you must submit the application (see Get a Quote page) and payment by the first day of classes. Online applications cannot be accepted after that date. If you have any questions about TRP or want to purchase tuition insurance, please visit Dewar.