In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Student Financial Services will be open from 10 AM to 3 PM on Monday, January 20.

Policies & Procedures

Billing Policies

Information regarding billing discrepancies, late fees, course overloads and reduced loads, and anticipated credits.

Discrepancies in your Bill

Discrepancies in your bill should be addressed in writing to the Office of Student Financial Services. Include your name, account number, dollar amount in question, date of invoice and any other information you believe is relevant. Address the correspondence to:

Northeastern University
ATTN: Student Account Operations, 354 Richards Hall
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115

If there is a billing problem, pay the undisputed portion of the bill to avoid responsibility for any late fees. A past due balance may result in prevention of registration or grade release.

Late Fees

Northeastern University has implemented a new policy regarding late fees.
If the balance on a student’s account remains unpaid, 30 days after the initial bill due date the University will impose a late fee of $150 on the student’s account.
If the student’s account balance remains unpaid after the initial late fee is assessed, the University will impose an additional 1% late charge once a month, until the balance is paid.

If a student or payer wishes to dispute a late fee assessment, they may review and submit the Late Fee Removal Request form.

Fee Type Amount
Late Fee $150
Late Charge 1% of the student’s account balance (charged once per month, until the balance is paid)
Returned Check Fee/Stop Payment $25

Course Overloads and Reduced Loads (Undergraduate Full-time Day)

Undergraduate Day tuition is charged on a flat per-term basis which includes the cost of each student’s normal academic curriculum requirements for that term.The flat undergraduate tuition rate will be assessed for students registered for 12-16 credit hours. Students may register for one additional music ensemble course from the list below without added charge.

Students working with Disability Access Services may submit a tuition adjustment request following DAS guidelines.

Please note, a student’s offer of financial assistance is based on the expectation that they will have full-time tuition charges.  If there is a DAS tuition adjustment, a student’s financial aid offer may result in a reduction or cancellation of aid.


Students may submit a Petition to Reduce Load via the Student Hub (under Resources > Academics, Classes & Registration > Registrar Forms). NOTE: You do not need to submit a petition to reduce load if you are taking less than 6 credit hours in summer 1 or summer 2 terms. Your tuition charges will be calculated at the per credit hour rate if you are in a reduced load situation.

Adjustments for reduced loads are made only when the Petition to Reduce Load is approved by the academic department and the Office of the Registrar. (NOTE: This online form is not to be used by students registered with the Disability Access Services.) Adjustments (calculated at the per credit hour rate) will then be made if the course load falls below 12 billing hours during full semesters. The Petition to Reduce Load must be submitted by the deadline noted in the current year Undergraduate Student Handbook. No rebate or credit is granted when a student voluntarily drops a course.

Please note, a student’s Offer of Financial Assistance is based on the expectation that they will be a full-time student. A reduction in course load may result in a reduction or cancellation of aid.

Adjustments for coursework greater than the prescribed curriculum for the term is calculated at the overload rate.

Students registered for co-op and taking a class will be billed at the per credit hour rate.

No-Charge Music Ensemble Courses

Undergraduate full-time day students may register for one additional music ensemble course without added charge. View the list of eligible courses.

Anticipated Credits

Financial Aid/Loans

Included on the University Statement of Account (tuition bill) are any credits that the university is expecting to receive into the student’s account based on the most current information available. Any anticipated funds appearing on the statement of account will appear as a credit and will reduce the current term’s balance due. If you have received a notification from Student Financial Services indicating you need to complete verification, loan entrance interview or a Master Promissory note you must complete these items to allow the deposit of financial aid and federal loans. Failure to do so could result in the removal or cancellation of anticipated funds and or actual awards. Students may receive refunds on a credit balance only when the anticipated funds have been deposited to the student account. Refunds will not be processed when the funds are anticipated. 

Financial aid for both Summer I and Summer II semesters is anticipated on the Summer I bill. Students who do not actually enroll for the anticipated number of credits during the combined summer sessions, may not be eligible for some or all of the anticipated aid reported on the Summer I statement. Students scheduled to enroll in classes for summer sessions that take less than 6 credits for the combined summer terms will lose financial aid eligibility. 

External scholarships and some supplemental loans are not included as an anticipated credit on your billing statement. For additional information see Payment Methods. 

Monthly Payment Plan

The payment plan with Flywire is based on the semester budget that you will determine at the time of enrolling in a payment plan. The remaining balance of a payment plan and any anticipated credit is deducted from the Account Balance set on the University Statement of Account. Ideally this deduction should result in a zero balance due to the school, so no funds are due immediately to the school. The Remaining Balance of a Flywire Payment Plan can be changed at any time through the Payment Plan Owner account. To log into your payment plan account, follow these steps:

  1. Access the platform and login to your payment plan account
  2. Students login here
  3. Authorized users (parents, family) login here
  4. If a plan offer has been created for you, you will see the available plan options by selecting the “Enroll in Plan” button or navigating to the “Payment Plans” tab
  5. “Select” the payment plan and proceed with enrollment.


Payment Plan Ownership

Students or a student’s Authorized User can enroll in a Payment Plan. If the student enrolls, the student is the owner of the plan; if an Authorized User enrolls, that individual is the owner of the plan. This is important because only the owner of the plan can change the payment method.

Both the student and ALL of the student’s Authorized Users will receive Payment Plan notifications by email. However, either user is able to make a payment towards the payment plan even when they are not the payment plan owner. To pay towards a plan that you do not own, click on “Make a Payment”, and select the plan you wish to contribute towards. You can either “Pay Next Installment” or “Pay Another Amount”.


  • Payments toward the monthly payment plan can be made by e-check.
  • Monthly payment plans cannot be used for past due balances.
  • The “deadline to enroll” may vary from the billing due date posted on your billing statement. Students are encouraged to resolve any balance due by the due date on their bill.
  • Monthly Payment Plans are not currently available for Canadian Campus Students.