
Presidential Global Scholarship

Northeastern’s renowned approach to learning is characterized by the connections we maintain with the world beyond our campus. Through our unique co-op model, and experiential learning opportunities with nearly 3,100 partners around the world, Northeastern students have the opportunity to engage globally and develop the leadership skills essential for success.

The Presidential Global Scholarship supports more than 400 outstanding students annually who are seeking to participate in a global co-op program. By helping to offset expenses such as travel, meals, and housing, the Presidential Global Scholarship enables students to take advantage of all that a Northeastern education has to offer.

The Presidential Global Scholarship ranges from $1,000 to $6,000 to be utilized by selected recipients for a period of travel on an approved global co-op. These funds can be used to assist with upfront costs associated with a global co-op experience including Visa fees, airfare, and other travel expenses. The Presidential Global Scholarship also provides students with financial support to assist with expenses related to their cost of living while abroad.

To be eligible for the Presidential Global Scholarship, applicants must:

  • Be enrolled full-time in an undergraduate program
  • Participate in an eligible global co-op program
  • Exhibit commitment to academic success (preference will be given to applicants with a 3.50 GPA or higher)

*This scholarship is not available for Graduate or CPS students

Presidential Global Scholars Awards may be determined by the following:

  • Cumulative GPA and academic standing
  • Demonstrated financial need
  • Length of global co-op

Please note, Honors students are eligible for funding through the Honors Global Support Fund are not eligible for the Presidential Global Scholarship. If you have questions about the Honors Global Support Fund, please contact the University Honors Program.

To apply for the Presidential Global Scholarship, submit a completed application by the deadline listed below. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and decisions are typically available two weeks after application submission.

Students are encouraged to apply for Presidential Global Scholarship Funds if they may want to participate in a Global Co-op, whether or not they have secured a position at the time of application. Applications will not be accepted after the application deadlines pass.

Co-op Semester(s) Application Process Opens Application Deadline
Spring and Summer I October 1 January 1
Summer II and Fall February 1 May 1

To complete the Presidential Global Scholarship application: 

  • Log into the Student Hub
  • Select the “Resources” tab
  • Select the “Scholarship Manager” link under “Financial Services”

Students selected to receive the Presidential Global Scholarship will be notified electronically and will be required to submit the following to the Office of Student Financial Services:

  • A complete a Presidential Global Scholarship Contract, signed by both the student and their Co-op advisor.
  • An official offer of employment from a global co-op position or a letter indicating the place and time period of employment, salary, and any other benefits received

Presidential Global Scholarship funding will not disburse to the student’s account until the Presidential Global Scholarship Contract and employment documentation has been received by the Office of Student Financial Services. Failure to submit these documents prior to the beginning of the co-op period for which the funds were awarded will result in cancellation of the award. In addition, failure to attend, participate, or complete the global co-op will result in cancellation of the Presidential Global Scholarship. Students are responsible for informing the Office of Student Financial Services of any changes regarding their global co-op.

Presidential Global Scholarship funds are awarded to assist with expenses related to a global co-op. Scholarship funds are available the semester prior to the co-op period, allowing students to use the funds for upfront costs, including airfare and Visa expenses, and can be used to assist with expenses incurred throughout the duration of the co-op period.

If you are interested in applying for the Presidential Global Scholarship or have additional questions regarding the scholarship, please contact our office through the SFS Inquiry Form.